Monday, December 1, 2008

PCK hairdo

Wassup groupies.... time for an eventful yet entertaining post. Tdy i PERM HAIR ... AH yes PERM my F-ing hair.... I AM INSANE i tell u.... i was so bored at work.. so i decided to perm it .... got to my fave hommies salon and i did it... after the last wash i was spechless.. i was a PCK replica... HUAT ARH... if Channel 5 wanna find a new PCK im Fucking it man... ( gotta get a mole... argh i'll draw it anyway like i always do ) so u know and i noe u are all waiting to lauff ur ass off right.... WRONG ! i did nt take any pics during the right after. COS its UNBEARABLE TO SEE....

Anyway i got u guys the AFTER 3 days look =)


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